International Forecaster Weekly

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The Purpose Behind The Financial Crisis

Bob Chapman, December 6 2008
Rich working to Bankrupt the Middle Class, world economic system now infected with toxic waste, golden parachutes for some and hyperinflation for others, a better plan would be to give a cheque to everybody, plans to help people wont really be implemented, credit problems thicken.

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Financial Crisis Only Squandering Our Future

Bob Chapman, December 3 2008
Big rise in monetary base, trillions in loans all over the world that will never be repaid, many nations very exposed in monetization crisis, all currencies to fall against gold, writers running naked, larger corporate failures to come, American condition to worsen, resentment already smoldering around the world, taxpayer money still being squandered on bankrupt Wall Street...

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Debt Upon Debt And Bankrupt Financial Institutions

Bob Chapman, November 29 2008
A moment for the big picture, panic set in to resolve the insolvency crisis now upon us, new moral hazard, soon an end to the bubbles, toxic waste worth next to nothing, legislative malfeasance, markets soon to be put under maximum pressure, everyone now terrified of lending and our way of life is set to change 

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A Climate of Corruption, Bailouts, Currency Rigging and Unfair Competition

Bob Chapman, November 22 2008
Citigroup's big problems, beggars in Zegna suits, trade wars on the horizon, Philadelphia Fed report beset by weakness, record injections of liquidity, jobs slashed on wall street, a bevy of financial indicators to ponder just how much we have fallen, market losses trim size of overall economy

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Manipulations, Corruption And Looting Takes Economy To The Brink

Bob Chapman, November 19 2008
Watching obvious criminal manipulations, COMEX becomes CRIMEX, Dubai Exchange, economic pundits avoid reality, eight years that changed America, regulation will protect the elite

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Billions of Dollars to Soak Up Toxic Waste

Bob Chapman, November 15 2008
Stealth bailouts on the way for the superwealthy, debt ceiling gets raised again, big discrepancies in the worth and sale price of institutions on the chopping block, USA now just a massive hedge fund, and large leveraging is going on

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The Fallen Natures of Men Took Control Of The Economy And Destroyed It

Bob Chapman, November 12 2008
some still wonder how it could have happened, we have a crony capitalist system, whole world now cutting back on spending, joblessness on the rise, banks now doing very little lending, a new head treasurer to choose, inequality in US cities may boil over, an impossible balancing act in the economy, an increase in the federal debt ceiling is also coming 

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Expect The Recession To Increase In Severity

Bob Chapman, November 8 2008
The dichotomy between paper and metals, US owes 3 trillion to foreigners, the wiemarization is coming, more banks go belly-up, gold manipulation poses problems for economic stability, consider the recent rallies to be as good as it will get

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We Will Watch Obama Like A Hawk

Bob Chapman, November 5 2008
USA now the Obamanation, Illuminati and elites are always the real winners in elections, politicians ruled behind the scenes by the powerful, gold and silver futures have been suppressed, more economic bubbles coming, stock market losses to reduce global wealth by trillions

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Now The Worst Financial Crisis Since The Great Depression

Bob Chapman, November 1 2008

Rampant market manipulation, retirement dreams destroyed by market chaos, a war waged with money, expect more bailout money for the wealthy players, formula for the superwealthy, a new low interest rate, new liquidity is designed to flood the world economy, Volvo slammed by market changes, oceans emptying of marine traffic, airfreight traffic declines

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Slaves To The Orgy Of Money

Bob Chapman, October 29 2008
Investors on the outside slammed while insiders getting rich, Market conditions indicate you need to protect yourself with gold and silver, Paulson monetary voodoo reanimates zombie fraudster banks, Market crashes set the stage for bank acquisitions, predicting a financial super entity,

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Current Volatility Hints At Next Crash

Bob Chapman, October 25 2008
Stresses on the market all planned, Dumbing down of information has led to lack of understanding about the markets, Get ready to throw out all those incumbents,Recent increases in volatility all manipulated behind the scenes, billions in losses to appear soon on year end financial statements, Currency scene about to change drastically

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Insider Profiting Will Bring The Hyperinflation Juggernaut

Bob Chapman, October 22 2008
Wall street insiders reformulate the profit model, outsider stock market players to be vaporized, new Fed facilities being created on a daily basis, new super-entities created in mergers and acquisitions, post bailout, to be vaporized by derivatives death star, dry derivatives setup for Lehman insiders to get a big payout, suppressing gold only encourages treasuries, no longer such thing as a secure retirement

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Toxic Waste Buyout to Fuel Hyperinflation

Bob Chapman, October 18 2008
expect another round of losses after this round wears off, Taxpayers to get a good fleecing, Paulson was lying all along about economy fundamentals, We are sliding towards a global economic depression, Paulson bialout plan was just a plundering and extortion of taxpayers to benefit bankster fraudsters.

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Liquidity Injection Wont Cure Wall Street Disease

Bob Chapman, October 15 2008
A disaster of epic proportions on Wall Street, More band aids for the economy, a round of hyperinflation is coming,  the credit default swap counterparty liability monster is about to be set loose, current remedy for the markets is like aspirin for a fatal disease, Get out and stay out of the markets

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