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And now, the canary in the global economic coal mine is squawking about something else that is about to be felt around the world, negative interest rates.
...given all of what we know about the faulty techniques of forensic "science" that we have been tricked into believing, why should we simply believe these stories about mind-reading tools and other fantastical devices?
Don't feel too sorry for the globalists.Their game is a war of attrition, and as long as people continue to buy into the narrative that all of this money is going to help the poor and downtrodden then it's only a matter of time before this thin edge turns of climate cronyism turns into the full wedge of global kleptocracy.
It is important to understand and be knowledgeable about the types of technology that the police state has at its disposal. But let's keep in mind that the only perfect prison is the one that we create in our own minds.
But more than just privacy protection, the true importance of cash becomes apparent in times of banking crisis. Just witness when Greece started clamping down on cash withdrawals during their banking panic and people began literally stuffing it under the mattress.
We're in a new reality, and unless we get to work making it into a reality we actually want to live in we're going to be in a lot of trouble.
Although Americans might have been sufficiently distracted this week not to have noticed, it seems a perfect storm of bad news is making its way around the world, almost like a giant whirlpool circling around a drain.
As viewers of my recent interview with Jon Rappaport will know by now, the number of cases of microcephaly, a severe neurological condition resulting in children born with abnormally small heads, in Brazil has been vastly over-reported.
So Wall Street wizards are now presiding over the Big Tech miracle that is single-handedly saving the economy... Hmmm, maybe the New Economy isn't so new after all...
A war on cash is being waged in every continent and every country by the same bank gangster or bankster that will benefit from it all. The are working towards a day when every transaction is completely trackable and controlled by banks.
Sadly for the people of the UK, HSBC's threats to move may just be a bargaining strategy they're using to wring yet more concessions out of the British government.
So if these are not the string-pullers and masters of the universe that the media loudly proclaims them to be, who are the string-pullers? The question is bound to provoke much meaningless debate and speculation about who is at the top of the pyramid...
...in the midst of this beginning-of-the-end of the 8 year long QE re-leveraging heroin binge we have news that seems to put a bow on the 2008 crisis: Goldman Sachs has announced that it has reached a $5.1 billion settlement as its wrist slap for participating in the subprime mortgage meltdown.
S&P 500 hits lowest level since Oct 2014, Pain was felt across the board. All 10 major S&P sectors were deep in the red and all 30 Dow components lost ground, U.S. economic data on Friday was also not very encouraging.
While I believe that we’re in a bear market and that we’re going much lower, the market is trying to keep the averages looking good. Take out just 9 stocks from the S&P, the S&P average would be down well over 5 more percent.