No matter where we look, we see it. The media lies, the politicians lie, the markets get rigged, and we’re left to try and navigate through this mess. It gets frustrating. You find a stock that should be trading considerably lower. Their balance sheet stinks like 5 day fish.
Let me repeat that again for the hard of thinking: The federal government now reserves the right to openly lie about their financial reports, so long as the bottom line number is correct.
Trump and Kim kick the bromance, hundreds are up in public use, a Canadian db is tracking citizens, and Benjamin Neanyahu may be up on charges.
Just about everything you see any more is nothing but lies. I’ve been exposing them for 25 years. I’m tired of them. You should be too.
So, does all of this piss you off? You know, all of this drivel being peddled by "conspiracy researchers" in the name of "spreading the truth"? Does it make you angry?
We are NOT fine folks. They’re white washing everything, trying their best to keep the imminent implosion from happening. Things aren’t fine when everyone’s screaming that we need lower interest rates and they’re at 2% now.
We know that the world is slowing. We know that everything from the ISM’s, to PMI’s , to large truck sales, to rail shipping to you name it, is fading.
Granted absurdity isn’t new. Stupidity has been around since the dawn of time. There just seems to be a whole lot more of it now.
This guy blackmailed some of the most powerful people on earth, and probably has video of these mutants doing horrible things to underage boys AND girls.
It was and always will be about the health of the middle class. That folks, is who creates jobs.
I'm so glad you've committed your life to fighting with us against the coming mass extinction! You have committed your life, right? Good. the bogus employment reports, they twist the numbers and tart them up so much their own mother wouldn’t recognize them.
So, if we were to craft a headline for this article that avoided Betteridge's Law, what would it be? "Something Just Happened in Russia But No One Is Sure Precisely What." Hmmm.