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Let me repeat that again for the hard of thinking: The federal government now reserves the right to openly lie about their financial reports, so long as the bottom line number is correct.
The Chinese have been talking about gray rhinos for years now, so the fact that Xi is telling party officials to watch out for them is hardly unexpected.
The globalists have done an amazing job of conning untold, umpteen millions of people into thinking things are “okay.” They are not. And that’s what makes things so very dangerous.
The group has become synonymous with Chatham House, its headquarters in St. James' Square, London, and is widely recognized among foreign policy experts as the most influential think tank in the world.
Consider investing in yourself for a while. It might be the best return you ever got.
This is the plain truth of the matter: The bankers love whatever ideas, systems, beliefs and revolutionary movements will allow them to have more power over the lives of others.
They’re buying it for a reason and the reason isn’t to lose money. It’s stability, it’s diversified reserves, it’s a way to “back” their currency.
So just imagine what will happen when people all around the world get the chance to demonstrate the power of these ideas to a public reeling from a market collapse.
But now it’s stirring again. While it is still trapped below 1300, what we do see is the gold miners have really perked up.
...this system is being lusted after by would-be tyrants in every corner of the globe. This month's case-in-point: Venezuela! That's right, citizens of everyone's favorite socialist paradise are about to be treated to a new ID card...
Yes, it was just three scant years ago that we were treated to all the ballyhoo and tosh about the Paris Agreement and how it was going to save the world.
Every time this market has gone a bit sour over the past 6 years, they’ve found a way to goose it higher.
... it was not merely to line the pockets of the well-connected that the war was fought... it was a chance to change the very consciousness of an entire generation of young men and women
Will this actually help prevent another flash crash? Will the database do what it's supposed to do?
Speaking of Madness, I’m on record saying that AI is a very dangerous thing. Opening areas that will have social impacts.