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As the long-term store of value that most gold investors understand their gold holdings to be, nothing has happened to change the bigger picture for gold.
Given the high stakes these agreements involve, why have we heard almost nothing about them? The obvious answer is that the rich and powerful interests that stand to benefit the most from these treaties are in bed with the interests that own the media outlets most people rely on for daily news.
Like Bob Chapman who passed away before him, Doctor Stan was part of a generation of pioneers who laid the groundwork for the modern alt media movement.
Of course, it's all hypocritical nonsense. America's closest allies in the Gulf, including the dictatorial House of Saud and the Qataris have been among the biggest suppliers of arms and funds for the Syrian jihadis.
This is spooking the market right now, which is worrying how this is going to eat into the bottom line of what could have been lucrative deals.
A near-zero rate is a tacit admission that the economy is so dismal that any extra burden on bank lending would squeeze up the credit markets entirely.
There is a name for the despair that has been driving discontent – and not only in Russia and Ukraine – since the financial crisis. That name is the new normal...
...these are not trivial questions to be asking. In fact, they go to the very heart of what is meant by 'sovereignty' and 'independence'.
This obsession with these peripheral, inconsequential non-stories is a sign of our growing detachment from the real productive economy that was once the backbone of the economies of the developed first world nations.
Given the virtues of this spin-off effect, Team Greenbacks argues, the Snowden story becomes by its very nature the most important whistleblowing story in the history of national security reporting.
As most of the online world knows by now, this Labor Day weekend saw the release of dozens of provocative new photographs of naked celebrities gleaned from the stars' own smartphones.
Indeed, it seems to be the case every single year around this time: certain 9/11 “trigger” stories involving plane crashes and terror threats and Ground Zero and Homeland Security take place in late summer... and this year's terror hype over ISIS is no different.
...the promise of central bank funny money, which is really all that's needed these days to send investors into a tizzy and to keep the longest bull market in recent history ascending into the stratosphere.
the Bank is used as a weapon by the economic hitmen identified by John Perkins and others, directing infrastructure development funds to crony corporations and forcing countries into debt obligations that they will be unable to meet.
We know the economy is fake, we know our debts too large and we know that some day, one day… the wheels will come off. So what are your choices?