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Fighting downgrading ratings, ratings agencies suddenly doing their jobs, quantitative easing not working in UK, US Fed operates around the world with no authority, and Fed should be ended, Bernanke subterfuge, a ponzi scheme for more debt.
New year new troubles for big nations, Italy controls its cash, a third year of inflationary depression, Fannie Mae in the courts for obstructing, lowest employment in years, a cycle of new changes socially, politically, economically, the sky has not fallen in... yet.
No understanding of debt repayment, banks and Euro zone nations broke, Fed opens swap floodgates, nations on the edge of default await aid, recapitalization, European plunge into recession is underway, quantitative easing the cause of inflation, 40 million on food stamps in the US, Ron Paul the best choice still, Greece to tip Europe over the edge.
England at odds with Euro zone, The Fed has been covering the debt crisis in Europe up until now, nationalization coming for the banks, avoidance instead of facing the problems of debt, we have wars to keep the bankers going, rebellion within the EU, the financial treadmill runs ever faster for Greece, Gingrich plan to add another trillion to the US deficit, China WTO entry.
Questioning European leadership, 17 elites set to strip away European autonomy, a charade of misdirection, no new Euros printed as of yet, ECB in bed with The Fed, gold and silver the only true value of currency, Greek exit from Euro inevitable.
little accomplished to solve problems, debt grows, financial mismanagement, six countries on the ropes, owners of gold and silver the only ones protected from losing wealth.
European economic condition represents the lynchpin for the world economy, Euro sovereign debt crisis reigns, Greece riots, Germany weighs in on economic policy direction, costs moving higher for european nations, inflation a real fear, monetizing wont solve this problem.
Chancellor Merkel looks to the people of the euro zone to legislate away sovereignty, changes to be made as the situation deteriorates, Turmoil among the Europeans, power plays as panic sets in, housing sector falling apart.
Euro exposure to toxic waste derivatives probably much more than what was reported, a payable end to the european crisis, morbid stories of currencies, a new banking system must be put in place. Two years left for the Euro.
A search for a european solution, candor at Cannes, Italy under pressure, european banks howling, debt spiraling out of control, collapse will push up metals.
Crime at the top level of the financial sector, Greece in crisis, MF Global had a curious meltdown, Europe a failure, Merkel tries to save a sinking Greece, the economic heart ripped out of America.
more money and credit needed for the world economy, US sold a bill of goods, no coverage with TARP, a time of falling currencies, EU deal for Greece with a write down, more debt for the worlds problems, currency debasement the name of the game worldwide.
European debt problems to come to the US, and the usual smoke and mirrors goes on, money and credit expanded further, economies fighting a losing battle, no perfect recovery for Europe, yet another bailout by the Fed, a gap that is isolating Washington from the reality of the rest of the country.
A stock market that is still overpriced, what can leverage do for bailouts, debt is endemic worldwide, injections of money and credit cant stop the global economic slowdown, no viable solutions for Europe.
Less to live on for retirees, US unaware of austerity, Fed leader Bernanke doesnt see real inflation, expect big changes in November at the polls, on that downgrade of US Treasury debt, the US could default one day, could the world monetary system fall apart?