The hope for many is that this coming period will be one of renewal for the Japanese, economically, politically and otherwise...
A nation was born, unlike any other, and we celebrate that on July 4th. But this July 4th and next July 4th, we are closer to seeing this nation die, than it’s ever been.
The history of eugenics is as barely known as it is barbaric. It connects some of the wealthiest and most prominent figures of modern times to an atrocious ideology that promotes policies and practices both contemptible and condemnable.
The horror of 9/11 wasn’t that Muslim terrorists attacked us. The horror was/is that people in our own nation, supposed “citizens” of the US, knew, helped and even profited from this.
It is utterly remarkable that the 9/11 Commission and its final report are still held up as the final word on the events of September 11, 2001.
The 2020s could be a time of cooperation. A time of community building. A time of casting off hierarchies and the tyranny of authority. Or it could be the last gasp before the descent down the slope toward total tyranny.