...the effort to biometrically register the population and the transition to cashless economy are intimately related.... the latest word from Davos is India will to skip over card-based cashless payments and go straight to biometric e-payments.
So have India and Pakistan turned a corner? Has China and its SCO partners found a way to bring these bitter enemies together in peace and harmony? Well, let's not get carried away here.
... let me tell you how delighted I am at your intimate knowledge of internal banking regulatory systems and the SWIFT protocol in general. And you're exactly right. This is where the story gets interesting.
... the writing is on the wall: The neocons in charge of the American war machine have chosen India to be their next best hope for a potential roadblock to Chinese dominance in Asia, and they're re-naming the entire region just to prove it.
...now that we are living in an era where India and China are being positioned as "rivals" of the American hegemon, it certainly makes sense that we will see the key tenets of Pax Americana challenged.
Out of all this mess, one thing is for certain: Whatever comes of these moves by India, the Kashmirs themselves will be the first to face the consequences of those actions and the last to reap any dividends.
Yes, biometric ID is rolling out in India and over a billion people are being locked away behind its electronic bars.
The Indian people, and poor people across Asia and Africa, have been used as human guinea pigs by medical researchers, social engineers and agents of empire for centuries.