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I feel the economic fallout is however going to be bigger than most expect for China especially. When you start shutting in 50 to 100 million folks, that disrupts a lot of supply chains.
So, if we were to craft a headline for this article that avoided Betteridge's Law, what would it be? "Something Just Happened in Russia But No One Is Sure Precisely What." Hmmm.
If Meng is extradited to the US, she’ll face a 13-count indictment, charged with bank fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud, and related charges.
So The Riddle of the Camera has a very simple answer: A camera is not a camera when the EU says it isn't. And that answer says so much about the matrix in which we live.
Over the next two – three weeks we’re going to hear from thousands of companies. If you’re holding individual stocks, it is worth your while to look up their earnings releases and maybe selling out a day ahead of their reports.
The 2020s could be a time of cooperation. A time of community building. A time of casting off hierarchies and the tyranny of authority. Or it could be the last gasp before the descent down the slope toward total tyranny.
...like the bogus employment reports, they twist the numbers and tart them up so much their own mother wouldn’t recognize them.
...we'll have some rousing images of some flag or other being hoisted on Mars and be able to witness the collective head explosion of all the flat earthers, so there's something.
...the decade ahead promises to be even more chaotic, violent, transformative and—if we do not participate in the building up of meaningful alternatives—destructive decade in living memory...
So, my friends we arrive at the fork in the path. Down one route we see the promise of radical decentralization of everything, even currency itself.
...don’t think badly of yourself if you find it harder and harder. The insanity is reaching levels unexpected.
No, don't believe the headlines you've read in recent days. NATO will survive these little spats between political puppets just fine. Humanity, on the other hand . . .
The bottom line is that we are in some form of end game here and some form of reset is coming.
I'm so glad you've committed your life to fighting with us against the coming mass extinction! You have committed your life, right? Good.
Ignore their managed news misinformation and disinformation fake news. Follow reliable independent media, mainly online – the only way to stay informed on what’s vital to know.